Sargent's Drilling Utilities


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If you are a Drilling Supervisor or a Well Site Drilling Engineer, you have, no doubt, made several spreadsheets over the years to calculate various tasks, such as casing cement jobs, hydraulics, balanced cement plugs, liner cementation, etc, etc.

And then suddenly, your company changes Cementing Contractor, and here you are, you can start all over, because none of the chemicals in the new recipes have the same units as your program has, rendering your formulas for mix-water calculations useless.

Or, you change rig, and now you find yourself using 4" DP, running 10-3/8" casing, drilling 8-3/4" hole using Duplex mud pumps, instead of the good ol' 5" DP, 9-5/8" casing, 8-1/2" hole and triplex pumps, which all your spreadsheets formulas are based on. Oh shit! What do you do then? Call the Mud Loggers?

Consequently, I decided to make a program which would make ALL my calculations REGARDLESS OF which rig I was on, and who was the cementing contractor, etc, etc. And... "Sargent's Drilling Utilities" is it.

It is - in essence - just a Microsoft Excel file, which contains several modules for the various calculations. Most of the code is written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). The program is under constant development, but has reached a stage where it is very useful to me in my daily work, and it just may be to you too.

It is my ambitions with this program that ANY man on ANY rig can benefit from using it - whether he is in 6000 ft of water on a hi-tech semi-sub, or on a kelly rig with doubles in West-Texas. So, if you have any comments, any bugs to report or any suggestions for improvements, then email me, because this program is for YOU too.

At the present time, the program uses OILFIELD UNITS only. I have received several emails from users around the world asking if I could make an SI (Metric) version. And I will. But not until I start coding everything in pure Visual Basic.Net, and totally eliminate Microsoft Excel as the "base" for the program. This will entail starting from scratch, but the end product will, no doubt, be much better in all aspects and with faster execution.